Kim (Egan) Burns is a native of the area who now lives in Virginia and recently became a volunteer EMT for the Fairfax Fire Department. She grew up in the small rural town of Leal where their family farmed and she graduated from North Central of Barnes.
Together, Kim and her husband Joe make a yearly contribution to the Sheyenne Valley Community Foundation to support rural first responders through the Community Grant Round. They rely on the Foundations knowledge of community needs and opportunities to invest in programs and organizations that make a difference in our area.
“After our daughter began working with a rural Alabama Fire Department while attending medical school, we began to learn how vital of service they provide to our communities- it is literally a matter of life and death in so many situations. We are grateful to have the Sheyenne Valley Community Foundation provide us a pathway to give back and focus our donations to a specific area of need in my home community.” - Kim Burns

This past year, the Burns awarded their grant to the Dazey Quick Response Unit to help the department serve their community and purchase basic life-saving equipment. Rural fire departments receive funding from the state which is based on population and proximity. With the community of Dazey having a population of roughly 51 and serving three other similar-sized communities in rural Barnes County and the visitors and residents of Lake Ashtabula, this often leaves their budget with barely enough to cover overhead expenses of old buildings and equipment, and supplies.
Support through grants allows the department to purchase basic supplies, update equipment to meet standards, and other necessary needs to function to properly serve their community.
“Receiving funds through the Sheyenne Valley Community Foundation helps ensure our department can safely protect and serve our families, neighbors, and friends.” - Rob Harstad, Dazey EMS leader